goto考研网 资讯 海南2008年普通高校招生考试考试说明——数学(文)



Ⅰ. 考试的性质和目的

1. 测试的性质

全国普通高等学校招生统一考试是对符合条件的高中毕业生和具有同等学历的考生进行的抽选考试。 高校根据考生成绩和确定的招生计划,对考生的德、智、体等方面进行综合衡量。 因此,新课程高考应具有较高的信度、效度、必要的区分性和适当的灵活性。

2. 考试目标


《解释》的制定既要有利于数学新课程改革,又要充分发挥数学基础学科的作用; 既要注重考察考生对中学数学知识的掌握程度,又要注重考察考生继续高等教育深造的潜力; 必须符合《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》(以下简称《标准》)和《普通高中数学课程方案(实验)》的要求,符合教育部《纲要》的要求教育考试中心,符合《海南省2007年普通高考改革指导方案》的要求和海南省普通高中课程改革实验的实际情况,利用高考命题的指导功能来促进新课程课堂教学改革。


1. 知识目标



(1)理解:要求对所列知识的含义有初步的、感性的理解,知道该知识的内容是什么,能够按照一定的程序和步骤进行模仿,能够(或愿意) )识别并理解相关问题 了解它。







2. 能力目标


(1)空间想象能力:能够根据条件做出正确的图形,根据图形想象出直观的图像; 能正确分析图形中的基本元素及其相互关系; 可以分解、组合图形; 可以用图形、图表等方式,几乎形象地揭示了问题的本质。

(2)抽象和概括能力:针对具体、生动的事例,在抽象和概括的过程中,发现研究对象的本质; 从大量给定的信息材料中,归纳出一些结论,并用它们来解决问题或做出新的判断。 (3)演绎论证能力:根据已知的事实证明某个数学命题的真实性并得到正确的数学命题的初步推理能力。 推理包括合理推理和演绎推理。 其方法不仅包括按形式分的演绎法和归纳法,而且按思维方法分有直接证明法和间接证明法。 一般先用合情推理进行猜想,然后再用演绎推理进行证明。

(4)计算求解能力:能按照规则、公式进行正确的计算、变形和数据处理; 能根据问题的情况找到并设计合理、简单的计算方法; 可以根据要求对数据进行估算和近似计算。

(5)数据处理能力:能够收集、整理、分析数据,能够从大量数据中提取对研究问题有用的信息,并做出判断。 数据处理能力主要是根据统计学或统计案例中的方法对数据进行组织和分析,并解决给定的实际问题。

(6)应用意识:能够综合运用所学的数学知识、思想和方法来解决问题,包括解决相关学科、生产、生活中的简单数学问题:能够理解问题中陈述的材料,并分析所提供的信息归纳、整理和分类,将实际问题抽象为数学问题; 能够应用相关数学方法解决问题并验证问题,并能用数学语言正确表达和解释。 应用的主要过程是根据现实生活背景提炼、提炼相关的数量关系,将现实问题转化为数学问题,构建数学模型,并求解。 (7)创新意识:能够发现问题、提出问题,综合灵活地应用所学的数学知识和思维方法,选择有效的方法和手段来分析信息,进行独立思考、探索和研究,提出解决问题的思路,创造性地解决问题。 创新意识是理性思维的高级体现。 “数学问题的观察、猜测、抽象、概括、证明”是发现问题、解决问题的重要途径。 数学知识的迁移、组合、集成程度越高,所表现出的创新意识就越强。


数学学科的系统性和严谨性决定了数学知识之间深刻的内在联系,包括各部分知识在各自发展过程中的纵向联系和各部分知识之间的横向联系。 我们要善于抓住这些本质联系,然后进行分类、整理、综合。 构建了数学试卷的结构框架。 数学基础知识的考试要求全面、有重点。 对于支撑学科知识体系的关键知识,考试时要保持较高的比例,形成数学试卷的主体,注重学科的内在联系和知识的全面性,不刻意追求知识的覆盖面。 从学科整体高度和思维价值高度考虑问题,在知识网络的交叉点设计试题,从而检验数学基础。 达到必要的深度。

数学思维方法是数学知识在更高层次上的抽象和概括。 它们蕴含在数学知识的发生、发展和应用过程中,可以在相关学科和社会生活中迁移和广泛应用。 因此,对于数学思维和方法,考试必须与数学知识的考试结合起来。 数学知识的考试体现了考生对数学思想和方法的理解和掌握。 考试必须立足于学科的整体意义和思想价值,要有明确的目的。 强化重点 注重共性和方法,淡化特殊技能,有效检验考生对中学数学知识所蕴含的数学思想和方法的掌握程度。

数学是思维的科学,是培养理性思维的重要载体。 通过空间想象、直观猜想、归纳抽象、符号表达、运算推理、演绎证明和模型构建,理解客观事物中的数量关系和数学。 模型用来进行思考和判断,形成和发展理性思维,构成数学能力的主体。 在能力考试中,我们强调“以能力为本”,就是以数学知识为载体,从问题出发,把握学科整体意义,采用统一方法。 材料是从数学角度组织的。 考试重在理解和应用,特别是综合和灵活应用,以检验考生将知识迁移到不同情境的能力,从而检测考生个人理性思维的广度和范围。 深度和进一步研究的潜力。

能力考核以思维能力为核心。 综合考验各种能力。 强调综合性和应用性,符合考生的实际情况。 操作能力是思维能力和操作技能的结合。 它不仅包括数字的运算,还包括方程的表达。 运算,测试考生的计算能力,主要是测试算术和逻辑推理,重点是包含字母的表达式的运算。 空间想象能力是对空间形态的观察,考验的重点是对客观事物的数学化。 这个过程主要是根据现实生活背景,提炼相关的数量关系,构建数学模型,将现实问题转化为数学问题,并进行求解。 提出命题时,要坚持“贴近生活、背景公正、控制难度”的原则,把握好。 提出问题所涉及的数学知识和方法的深度和广度要与我区中学数学教学实际相结合。 数学应用题的难度要更加符合考生水平,引导考生自觉融入真实的社会环境。 关心身边的数学问题,鼓励学生在学习和实践中形成和发展敏锐运用数学的意识。

创新意识和创造能力是理性思维的高级表现。 在数学学习和研究过程中,知识的迁移、组合、整合程度越高,能力发挥的领域就越广,表现出的创造意识就越大。 强的。 做命题时要注意公式题的多样性。 设计考查数学主要内容、反映数学素质、反映数字和形状变化的问题,以及研究性、探索性或开放性问题。 让候选人独立思考、独立做事。 探索,充分发挥主观能动性,研究问题本质,寻求合适的解决问题工具,梳理问题程序。 为考生展现创新意识、释放创造能力创造广阔的空间。

试卷由必修内容和选修内容两部分组成。 必修内容是《标准》的必修内容和选修系列1的内容。必修内容是考试的重点。 选修内容为《标准》选修系列4中的2。 一个话题。


考试采取闭卷、笔试的形式。 全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。



第一卷包含 12 道选择题,全部为必修题。 第二卷包含非多项选择题,分为必修和可选两部分。 必修部分由4道填空题和5道问答题组成; 可选 测试部分实施过多的命题和有限数量的问题。 选修系列4中的《几何证明选讲》和《坐标系与参数方程》各有一个回答问题,考生可以选择这两个问题中的任意一个进行回答。 如果做多了,就会按照第一题的编号给分。

1. 题型

试题分为选择题、填空题、解答题三种类型。 选择题为单选题,有四个选项; 填空题只需直接填写结果,无需写出计算或推导过程; 解答题包括计算题,证明题需要写下书面解释、计算步骤或推理过程来回答问题。 三类题的得分比例为选择题约40%,填空题约10%,回答题约50%。

2. 难度控制

试题按照难易程度分为简单题、中等难度题和困难题。 试题难度在0.7以上为简单题,难度在0.4-0.7之间为中等难度题,难度在0.4以下为困难题。 三个难度级别 试题应控制适当的分值比例,试卷整体难度适中。

四. 考试内容及要求







(1) 理解集合之间包含和相等的含义,并能够识别给定集合的子集。







1. 功能

(1)了解构成函数的元素,知道一些简单函数的定义域和取值范围; 理解映射的概括。



(4)理解函数的单调性、最大(最小)值和几何意义; 结合具体函数来理解函数奇偶性的含义。

(5) 能够利用基本初等函数的图像分析函数的性质。

2. 指数函数



(3)理解指数函数及其单调性的概念,掌握指数函数图所经过的特殊点; 能够绘制以 2、3、10、1/2 和 1/3 为底的指数函数的图形。



(1)了解对数的概念及其运算性质,知道如何利用换底公式将一般对数转换为自然对数或常用对数; 了解对数在简化运算中的作用。




4. 幂函数



5. 函数和方程


6. 功能模型及其应用



(3) 初步立体几何

1. 空间几何























1. 直线和方程




(4)掌握直线方程的三种形式(点斜式、两点式和一般式)。 理解斜截距形式与线性函数之间的关系。

(5) 能够通过求解方程组求出两条相交直线的交点坐标。


2. 圆和方程


(2)能够根据给定的直线和圆方程判断直线和圆的位置关系; 能够根据给定的两个圆的方程判断圆与圆之间的位置关系。



3. 空间线性会标系统







2. 基本算法语句



1. 随机抽样



2. 使用样本来估计总体








(1) 能够将两个相关变量的数据绘制成散点图,并利用散点图了解变量之间的相关性。


(7) 概率

1. 事件与概率



2. 经典概率



3. 随机数和几何形状

(1) 理解随机数的含义,能够利用模拟方法估计概率






2. 三角函数


(2)能利用单位圆内的三角函数线推导出π/2±α、π+α的正弦、余弦、正切归纳公式,并能画出y=sinx、y=cosx、y的图像=tanx ,了解三角函数的周期性。

(3)了解[0, 2π]上正弦函数和余弦函数的性质(如单调性、最大值和最小值、图像与x轴的交点等),了解[0, 2π]上的正切函数(-π/2,π/2) 单调性。


(5)理解函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的物理意义; 根据给定函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图形角度,能够了解参数A、ω、φ对函数图形变化的影响。


(9) 平面矢量














4. 平面向量的定量乘积




(4) Be able to use the product of quantities to express the angle between two vectors, and be able to use the product of quantities to determine the vertical relationship between two plane vectors.

5. Application of vector

(1) Be able to use vector methods to solve some simple plane geometry problems

(2) Be able to use vector methods to solve simple mechanical problems and other practical problems.

(10) Trigonometric identity transformation

1. Trigonometric formulas for the sum and difference of two angles

(1) Use the sum of the number of vectors to derive the cosine formula of the difference between two angles.

(2) Be able to use the cosine formula of two angular differences to derive the sine and tangent formulas of two angular differences.

(3) Be able to use the cosine formula of the difference between two angles to derive the sine, cosine, and tangent formulas of the sum of two angles, and the sine, cosine, and tangent formulas of twice the angle, and understand their intrinsic relationships.

2. Simple trigonometric identity transformation

Able to use the above formulas to perform simple identity transformations (including derivation of products and differences, products of sums and differences, and half-angle formulas, but memory is not required).

(11) Solving triangles

1. The Law of Sines and Cosines

Master the law of sines and cosines.

2. 申请

Be able to use knowledge and methods such as the sine theorem and the cosine theorem to solve some practical problems related to measurement and geometric calculations.

(12) Sequence

1. The concept and simple representation of sequence

(1) Understand the concept of sequence and several simple representation methods (lists, images, general formulas).

(2) The solution sequence is a special type of function whose independent variable is a positive integer.

2. Arithmetic sequence, geometric sequence

(1) Understand the concepts of arithmetic progression and geometric progression.

(2) Master the general formulas and the sum formulas of the first n terms of arithmetic and geometric sequences.

(3) Be able to identify arithmetic relations or geometric relations of sequence in specific problem situations, and be able to use relevant knowledge of arithmetic sequence and geometric sequence to solve corresponding problems.

(4) Understand the relationship between arithmetic sequence and linear function, and the relationship between geometric sequence and exponential function.

(13) Inequality

1. Unequal relationship

Understand that there are a large number of unequal relationships in the real world and daily life, and understand the actual background of inequalities (groups).

2. Unary quadratic inequality

(1) Be able to abstract quadratic inequality models of one variable from actual problem situations

(2) Understand the connection between quadratic inequalities of one variable and corresponding quadratic functions and quadratic equations through function graphs.

(3) Be able to solve quadratic inequalities of one variable and design a program block diagram for solving given quadratic inequalities of one variable.

3. Binary linear inequalities and simple linear programming problems

(1) Able to abstract binary linear inequalities from actual situations.

(2) Understand the geometric meaning of linear inequalities of two variables, and be able to express groups of linear inequalities of two variables using plane areas.

(3) Be able to abstract some simple binary linear programming problems from actual situations and solve them.

4. Basic inequality:

(1) Understand the proof process of basic inequalities.

(2) Be able to use basic inequalities to solve simple maximum (minimum) value problems.

(14) Common Logical Terms

(1) Understand destiny and its converse, negative and negative propositions.

(2) Understand the converse, negation and converse of propositions of the form "if p, then q", and analyze the interrelationships of the four propositions.

(3) Understand the meaning of necessary conditions, sufficient conditions and necessary and sufficient conditions.

(4) Understand the meaning of the logical correlates "or", "and" and "not".

(5) Understand the meaning of full quantifiers and existential quantifiers.

(6) Can correctly negate a proposition containing a quantifier.

(15) Conic Sections and Equations

(1) Master the definitions of ellipses and parabolas, geometric figures, standard equations and several simple geometric properties (range, symmetry, vertex, eccentricity).

(2) Understand the definition of hyperbola, geometric figures and standard equations, and know its simple geometric properties (range, symmetry, vertex, eccentricity, asymptote).

(3) Understand the definition, geometric figures and standard equations of a parabola, and know its simple geometric properties (range, symmetry, vertex, eccentricity).

(4) Understand the idea of ​​combination of numbers and shapes.

(5) Understand the simple applications of conic sections.

(16) Derivatives and their applications

(1) Understand the practical background of the derivative concept.

(2) Intuitively understand the geometric meaning of derivatives through function graphs.

(3) Can find the derivative of a function according to the definition of derivative.

(4) Able to use the derivative formulas of basic elementary functions given below and the four arithmetic rules of derivatives to find the derivatives of simple functions.

Common derivative formulas of basic elementary functions and commonly used derivative calculation formulas;

C'=0 (C is a constant),

(5) Understand the relationship between the monotonicity of a function and its derivatives; be able to use derivatives to study the monotonicity of a function, and be able to find the monotonic interval of a function (no more than cubic for polynomial functions).

(6) Understand the necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to obtain an extreme value at a certain point; be able to use derivatives to find the maximum and minimum values ​​of a function (no more than three times for polynomial functions), and be able to find the maximum and minimum values ​​of functions on closed intervals. Minimum value (no more than cubic for polynomial functions).

(7) Will use derivatives to solve practical problems.

(17) Statistical Cases

(1) Understand the ideas and methods of regression analysis through typical cases, and be able to initially apply the ideas and methods of regression analysis to solve some simple practical problems.

(2) Understand the ideas and methods of independent inspection through typical cases, and be able to initially apply the ideas and methods of independent inspection to solve some simple practical problems.

(18) Plausible Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning

(1) Understand the meaning of plausible reasoning, be able to perform simple inductive reasoning and analogical reasoning, and realize the role of plausible reasoning in mathematical discovery.

(2) Understand the meaning of deductive reasoning, understand the difference between logical reasoning and deductive reasoning, master the "syllogism" of deductive reasoning, and be able to use "syllogism" to conduct some simple deductive reasoning.

(3) Understand the two basic methods of direct proof: synthetic method and analytical method; understand the thinking process and characteristics of synthetical method and analytical method.

(4) Understand the thinking process and characteristics of the method of proof by contradiction.

(19) Expansion of number system and introduction of complex numbers

(1) Understand the expansion process of number systems, rationalize the concept of complex numbers, and understand the necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality of complex numbers.

(2) Understand the algebraic representation of complex numbers and their geometric meaning.

(3) Be able to perform four arithmetic operations in the form of complex algebra, and understand the geometric meaning of addition and subtraction of two specific complex numbers.

(20) Block Diagram

(1) Further understand the program block diagram through specific examples.

(2) Understand the flow chart of the process through examples.

(3) Be able to draw flow charts of simple practical problems and understand the role of flow charts in solving practical problems.

(4) Understand the structure diagram.

(5) Using structure diagrams, you can sort out the knowledge structure you have learned and organize the collected information.

2. Examination content and requirements

(1) Selected lectures on geometric proofs

(1) Understand the definition and properties of similar triangles and understand the parallel cutting theorem.

(2) Verify the following theorems: ① Right triangle projection theorem; ② Circle angle theorem; ③ Tangent line determination theorem and property theorem of a circle; ④ Intersecting chord theorem; ⑤ Property theorem and determination theorem of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle. ⑥ Cutting line theorem .

(2) Coordinate system and parametric equations

(1) Understand the role of the coordinate system and the changes in plane graphics under the action of the expansion and contraction transformation of the plane rectangular coordinate system.

(2) Understand the basic concepts of polar coordinates and be able to use polar coordinates to describe the position of points in the polar coordinate system. Be able to convert polar coordinates and rectangular coordinates into each other.

(3) Polar coordinate equations represented by simple figures (such as a straight line passing through a pole, a circle passing through a pole, or a circle with its center at the pole) can be given in the polar coordinate system.

(4) Understand the parametric equations and understand the meaning of the parameters.

(5) Be able to choose appropriate parameters to write parametric equations of straight lines, circles and ellipses.


作者: chanong



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