goto考研网 资讯 河南新乡医学院三全学院2022年大事记



1月5日,河南省委宣传组成员、郑州大学马克思主义学院院长刘路红教授来校作《鉴古知未来凝心聚力》专题讲座关于《中共十九届六中全会精神》的报告学校全体领导、各院(部)院党总支书记、职能部门负责人共70余人参加。 报告会由党委副书记卢莎主持。

1月6日,2021年基层党组织书记抓党建述职回顾会暨“能力作风建设年”活动动员会。 学校党委委员、党总支、直属党总支书记、相关职能部门负责人以及部分师生代表参加。 市委书记杨杰发表重要讲话。 会议由党委副书记张刚主持。



同月,新乡市科学技术局发布《关于2021年新乡市研发平台评估结果的公告》。 工程学院“新乡市医疗大数据工程技术研究中心”获批。


2月25日,学校召开2021-2022学年春季学期教学督导工作会议。 总督学毛兰芝、副院长袁雷、院长杜华珍出席会议。 会议由杜华珍主持。

3月1日,学校召开2021年度工作分析报告会。 学校领导杨杰、胡世坤、王志凯、毛兰芝、卢莎、马波、邱永健、王燕生、薛红、谷欢、袁雷、杜华珍、王志喜及全体中层管理人员出席。 会议由发展战略与评估部部长李森主持。 市委书记杨杰作重要讲话。 胡世坤院长对2022年工作进行了部署。

3月3日,河南省政府办公厅巡视员陈德安、新乡市政府副秘书长刘洪昌莅临校对征兵工作并进行专题调研。 院长胡世坤、副院长顾欢及相关职能部门、院所负责人陪同。

3月7日,学校召开2022年河南省基层健康人才医学教育协同发展联盟实习就业工作协调会。 副校长邱永健,有关学院(系)、研究院及职能部门负责人出席。 会议由产教融合办公室主任助理王真真主持。


3月17日,学校召开2022年就业创业工作会议。 院长胡世坤、副院长顾欢、院长杜华珍出席会议,相关职能部门、院系、学院参加会议。 会议由顾欢主持。

当天,学校召开疫情防控工作会议。 学校疫情防控工作领导小组成员参加。 会议由党委副书记张刚主持。 胡世坤院长作重要讲话。

3月18日,学校召开疫情防控视频会议。 学校新冠肺炎疫情防控指挥部全体成员和全体中层管理人员参加。 会议由市委书记杨杰主持。 胡世坤院长作重要讲话。

3月22日,河南省委教育工委、教育厅召开全省教育系统疫情防控工作视频调度会。 学校疫情防控指挥部全体成员参加会议。 教育厅党组书记、厅长宋正辉主持会议并讲话。 会后,党委书记杨杰、院长胡世坤对校园疫情防控工作进行了进一步部署和部署。

3月23日,新乡市人大常委会主任王乐新,平原示范区书记陈建红,副主任韩斌、李毅来到学校调研疫情防控工作。 院长胡世坤、党委副书记张刚、副院长顾欢等陪同。

同月,河南省人民政府印发《关于2021年度河南省科学技术奖励的决定》(豫政[2022]10号),学校《医学解剖与关节镜手术VR关键技术创新及临床应用》 “项目荣获2021年度河南省科学技术进步奖三等奖。

同月,河南省教育厅办公室印发《关于公布2021年普通高等学校信息化应用优秀案例的通知》。 学校《基于5G技术的医学虚拟现实在线实践教学应用》荣获河南省2021年“5G创新应用”教育类信息化应用优秀案例。

同月,河南省教育系统、新乡市教育系统“两个创新、两个奋斗”活动先进集体和先进个人评选结果相继公布。 2017级临床医学32班(班主任康文凯)、2018级临床医学23班(班主任翟万辉)荣获“河南省文明班级”称号; 崇德书院2号327室、景城书院A-08南楼253、和书院2号公寓西101室、西和书院北楼E座1138室荣获“河南省文明宿舍”称号; 石霞、奚朝杰老师荣获“河南省文明教师”称号; 2018级临床医学1班董轩、2018级电子班科技68班李一凡、2018级药学知识班李子良、2018级生物医学工程65班刘子荣、2019级本科助产89班曹广猛分别为荣获“河南省文明学生”称号; 2019级本科医学检验班第25期技术班夏雨泽荣获“河南省文明网友”称号。 2019级医学影像技术61班(刘瑞杰班主任)、2019级医学检验技术28班(王伟班主任)、2019级临床医学171班(杨卫红班主任)荣获“新乡市文明班; 孙元辉、秦晶晶、付新宇、万建苗荣获“新乡市文明教师”称号; 我校学生韩月英、贾倩文、齐小月、李舒、赵子涵、崔梦媛、王英涵荣获“新乡市文明学生”称号。

同月,中共河南省宣传部、河南省教育厅、河南省军区政治工作局联合印发《关于开展创建国防教育样板活动评估的通知》高校2021年”,学校被列为“省国防教育建设骨干企业”。 ,被评为“河南省国防教育示范性大学建设评估达标单位”。

4月1日,学校召开师资队伍建设交流会,讨论师资队伍建设相关事宜。 学校教务长杜华珍、副校长王志熙,各教学单位负责人、人力资源部、教师教学发展中心相关人员出席。 会议由人力资源部部长李森主持。

4月13日,新乡市法制委副书记胡霞一行到学校督导调研。 学校党委副书记张刚及相关部门负责人陪同。

4月21日,河南省委教育工委副书记、教育厅党组书记、厅长宋正辉来到学校调研疫情防控和学校建设工作。 新乡市委副书记、市长魏建平,市委常委、统战部部长、副市长王占波,党工委书记陈建红平远示范区的陪同。 学校董事长陈光飞、华美集团总裁郭华伟、党委书记杨杰、院长胡世坤陪同。

当日,学校召开“实施教育评价改革,优化人才评价方式”主题会议。 副校长邱永健、袁雷,教务长杜华珍,学校学术委员会、教学指导委员会成员及相关职能部门负责人出席。 会议由人力资源部部长李森主持。

4月23日,学校召开《关于加强疫情后期教学管理的通知》落实情况反馈暨2022-2023学年实习安排部署会。 纪委书记石永利、副院长顾欢、副院长袁雷、院长杜华珍出席会议,教务部、教务部、临床教学部、各学院、相关学院负责人参加会议(部门)出席会议。 会议由袁雷主持。



4月29日,学校召开中期教学检查院(系)暨2021-2022学年第二学期全过程教学院工作报告及总结反馈会。 学校总教育督导员毛兰芝、副校长袁雷、院长杜华珍,各学院(系)院长、教学副院长、教学院长、科教主任9所全过程教学医院各科室、教研室主任、相关教学人员、相关职能部门负责人及检查组全体成员参加。 会议由毛兰芝、刘建勋分别主持。

当天,学校举办“走访企业扩就业促就业百家企业进校园”药学专项就业实习书记、校长双向选拔会。 副校长顾欢,大学生就业创业指导服务中心、药学院、西和书院、德馨书院负责人出席。

4月30日,新乡市委宣传部副部长韩伟军同志应邀来校进行思想工作专题培训。 各党总支(直属党支部)、各职能部门负责人及网络评论员代表参加。 培训由党委副书记卢莎主持。

同月,团委印发《关于表彰河南省5月4日红旗团委、团支部、优秀共青团员、共青团干部的通知》。 影像技术62班团支部荣获2021年度“河南省五四红旗团支部”称号; 智行书院团总支书记孙元辉荣获2021年度“河南省优秀共青团干部”称号; 荣获2021年“河南省优秀共青团员”称号。

5月9日,新乡医学院院长任文杰带队调研疫情防控情况并召开座谈会。 学校党委书记杨杰、党委副书记张刚陪同。


5月18日,学校召开新乡医学院党委视察学校动员大会。 新乡医学院党委第一巡视组成员、院长胡世坤等学院党委班子成员出席,党总支(直属党支部)代表、职能部门代表、教师和学生代表参加。 第一巡视组组长侯建国明确了巡视任务并提出了具体要求。 学院党委书记杨杰代表学院党委发言。

当天,学校举办了“智慧教育——教师智慧教学能力提升”专题讲座。 河南省教学名师、河南省智慧教学专家委员会副主任、河南师范大学教育技术中心主任梁存良受邀进行在线讲座。 学校副校长薛红、副校长袁雷、教务长杜华珍出席讲座。 各教学单位院长、副院长、相关职能部门负责人、教师等共259人线上线下参加。 讲座由教育技术中心副主任程伟主持。

5月20日,2021年河南省大学生职业生涯规划大赛决赛举行。 学校2名选手荣获河南省职业规划大赛优秀指导教师奖,2名学生荣获豫北赛区优秀奖,张帆等5名教师荣获河南省职业规划大赛优秀指导教师奖。

5月21日,学校举办书记、校长“进企扩就业”暨“百日冲刺”专题招聘会,促进医学检验技术就业。 胡世坤院长出席,大学生就业创业指导服务中心、崇德学院、德馨学院负责人出席。 活动由医学检验学院院长何志安主持。


当天,学校举行首届“劳动教育月”启动仪式。 副院长顾欢,各学院党总支书记、副书记,教务部相关负责人,“公益劳动”课程师生代表参加会议。 仪式由团委书记马素娟主持。

5月27日,学校在新乡市原阳县举办2022年下半年大学生征兵宣传暨国防教育进校园活动。 学校副院长顾欢,原阳县人武部部长梁云,政治工科科长王波,河南后勤职业学院学生处处长安阳学院原阳校区及三所学校辅导员及拟参军学生300余人参加。 活动由教务处副处长张帆主持。

5月31日,学校与驼人控股集团有限公司举行国际教育合作协议签约仪式。骆驼集团人力资源总监佘翠玲,国际业务部、装备公司、营销总部相关负责人、招生与校企合作部、供应链中心、学校副校长马波出席。 基础医学院、生命科学与技术学院、药学院、产教融合办公室、外交部相关负责人参加。 仪式由外交部司长助理卢明臣主持。




同月,第十七届河南省大学生科技文化艺术节竞赛结果揭晓。 学校荣获一等奖1项、二等奖4项、三等奖17项。

6月1日,新乡医学院纪委书记、监察专员郭开英来校调研指导工作。 学校党委书记杨杰、院长胡世坤、纪委书记石永利等学校领导陪同。

6月2日,学校召开2022年全面从严治党、以案促改工作会议。 学校全体领导和全体中层干部参加了会议。 会议由胡世坤院长主持。 市委书记杨杰发表重要讲话。 纪委书记石永利对学校“以案为鉴、遵纪守法”警示教育活动进行了部署部署。

6月8日,学校召开2022届毕业生就业促进会。 胡世坤院长、顾欢副院长、袁雷副院长出席。 相关职能部门、院(部)、院负责人参加。 会议由顾欢主持。

6月13日,学校召开2022年学位评定委员会第一次全体会议,胡世坤、王长虹、袁雷、杜华珍、王志熙等17名校内外委员参加。 会议由学校学位评定委员会主任委员胡世坤主持。 会议同意向新乡医学院三全学院4717名普通全日制本科毕业生和26名继续教育本科毕业生授予学士学位。

同日,学校召开2022年教学指导委员会第一次全体工作会议,胡世坤、杨世昌、袁雷、杜华珍等校内外委员共16人参加。教务处及相关院(部)负责人参加。 会议由委员会主任胡世坤主持。

6月18日,学校举行2022届毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式,学校领导、学位评定委员会委员、家长代表、各学院负责人、毕业班辅导员、2022届毕业生代表等91人参加活动。 ,8000余名毕业生在线参与。 毕业典礼由副院长马波主持。 胡世坤院长向毕业生们致辞。


同月,河南省教育厅印发《关于公布2022年河南省教育厅学术技术带头人名单的通知》(教人[2022]210号)。 “2022年度河南省教育厅学术技术带头人”称号。


7月8日,由河南省卫计委主办、河南省医学教育考试中心承办的2022年河南省住院医师规范化培训暨助理全科医生培训结业考核在新乡医学院三全学院、其他测试地点。 省卫生健康委二级巡视员、科教处处长王金河,省卫生健康委科教处四级调研员刘淑亚,刘元利,省卫健委科教处一级工作人员陈红喜、徐媛、贾柳谦等人到各考试中心进行检查。 视察学校期间,胡世坤院长、袁雷副院长等陪同。

7月19日,河南省卫健委二级巡视员、科教厅厅长王金和,科教厅副厅长刘书亚来校检查指导住院医师规范化培训理论考试现场。 学院院长胡世坤、副院长袁雷、河南省培训中心副主任徐玉平陪同。


同月,河南省教育厅公布了2022年度河南省教育信息化优秀成果奖获奖名单。 学校获理论研究成果一等奖2项、二等奖4项,创新应用成果一等奖3项、二等奖4项。 其中,理论研究方面,智能医学工程学院金瑞霞主持的《基于区块链技术的高校数字教育资源共建共享生态系统构建》、《在线教学后的影响》等。刘亚男主持的《抗疫背景下教学课堂测试》《临床学校质量影响分析》荣获一等奖;创新应用方面,《两线融合智慧教学平台一体化建设与应用实践》教育技术中心程伟主持、外国语学院翟琳琳主持《基于“产出导向法”的医学院留学生全英语教学师资混合培养模式研究》教务部常彦婷主持的《后疫情时代基于信息技术的“新生入学教育”课程建设实践应用》荣获一等奖。

同月,河南省教育系统“两个创造、两个奋斗”活动先进集体和先进个人评选结果揭晓。 学校2019级临床医学171班(班主任杨卫红)、2020级护理45班(班主任杨科)荣获“河南省文明班级”称号; E中楼4092宿舍、A-08北楼212宿舍、一号楼宿舍129荣获“河南省文明宿舍”称号; 唐华、陈东明老师荣获“河南省文明教师”称号; 2019级12级临床医学张霞月、2019级24级临床医学邵龙飞、2020级18级临床医学周超、2019级医学影像技术62班魏文辉荣获“河南省文明学生”称号; 2020级临床医学16班王一戈荣获“河南省文明网民”称号。

8月4日,学校召开推进2022-2023学年办学条件建设会议。 学校领导杨杰、胡世坤、王志凯、秦国梁、张刚、石永利、马波、邱永健、薛红、谷欢、袁雷等参加智慧建设、教学实验场地建设、学院升级专题研修班、高层公寓装修。 负责人出席。 会议由新乡医学院纪委王志凯主持。 会后,杨杰、胡世坤率队来到教学楼、学生公寓等建设工地,现场检查工作进展,协调解决存在问题。

7月8日至8月10日招生期间,学校党委书记杨杰、院长胡世坤、副院长袁雷深入招生工作现场检查指导招生工作,并走访指导并向坚守在招生第一线的工作人员表示慰问。 截至8月9日,各省本科、专科招生工作均已完成。 招收本科生3600人,招收专科生3665人。


On August 29, all the leaders of the school and the heads of relevant functional departments inspected the preparations for running the school conditions in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 school year in the Pingyuan Campus.

In the same month, Sun Mengmeng, a teacher from the School of Marxism of the school, won the comprehensive quality award in the 2022 "Competition" activity for teaching skills of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities across the province hosted by the Henan Provincial Department of Education. First prize, first prize in the 2022 "Contest" activity teaching demonstration of ideological and political theory course teaching skills in colleges and universities across the province.

On September 1, more than 3,600 freshmen from the school's 2022 class enrolled in the college.

On September 3, the school's 2022 undergraduate and junior college freshmen will register for admission.

On September 9, the school held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 38th Teachers' Day and commend the advanced collectives and individuals in the school's education and management work. All school leaders, award-winning units and individuals, party and government leaders of colleges (departments), college leaders, heads of relevant functional departments, teacher representatives and student representatives participated. More than 13,000 teachers and students participated through live webcast. The conference was presided over by Lu Sha, deputy secretary of the Party Committee.

In the same month, Zhao Chenyu, a teacher at the school's School of Medical Imaging, won the second prize and first place in the 2022 National Medical Imaging Technology Young Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition (sixth in the country) in the 2022 Fifth National Medical Imaging Technology Young Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition. )。

In the same month, the results of the 13th "Yellow River Education Forum" and "2022 Yellow River Education Awards" hosted by Henan Daily were announced. The school won the "Top Ten Private Education Brand Institutions Recognized by the Society in 2022" and "2022 Henan University (Party Building) Propaganda Work Demonstration Unit".

On October 1, Yang Jie, secretary of the school party committee, and Hu Shikun, dean of the school, led teams to inspect the safety and stability of Xinxiang campus and Pingyuan campus respectively. Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Zhang Gang, Vice Presidents Ma Bo and Gu Huan led comrades from relevant departments of the school to the school gate, student apartments, counselor's offices, canteens, supermarkets and other places to inspect and guide campus safety and epidemic prevention and control work, and to express condolences to frontline workers Faculty and Staff.

On October 4, Diao Yuhua, deputy director of the Henan Provincial Department of Education, came to the school to inspect and guide safety, stability, and epidemic prevention and control work. Yang Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, Qin Guoliang, Vice President, Zhang Gang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Qiu Yongjian, Wang Yansheng, Gu Huan, Vice Presidents, and heads of relevant functional departments accompanied and reported on the work.

On October 6, President Hu Shikun, Vice President Qin Guoliang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Zhang Gang, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Shi Yongli, and Vice President Gu Huan led a team to re-examine and redeploy the campus safety and stability work.

On October 9, the school held an integrity interview meeting for key positions and key links of functional departments. Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Shi Yongli attended, as did heads of units including the Academic Affairs Department, Finance Department, and Human Resources Department that involved key positions and key links.

On October 11, an inspection team from the Henan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Department of Human Resources and Social Security, and Department of Education visited the school to inspect the construction of a talent training base for elderly care services. Hu Chunfu, director of the Social Affairs Bureau of Xinxiang Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, Jin Xin, deputy director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Xinxiang Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, Duan Xiaobo, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Xinxiang Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, Shi Zhongkai, chief of the Elderly Care Service Section of Xinxiang Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, Xinxiang City Zhao Shumin, director of the Community Education Office of the Education and Sports Bureau of Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, accompanied them. Wang Zhixi, deputy dean of the school, accompanied by relevant leaders of the School of Rehabilitation Medicine, School of Health Management, School of Nursing, and School of Continuing Education.

On the same day, the school held the unveiling ceremony of the "Medical Characteristics Community Education College" jointly built by Xinxiang Pingyuan Demonstration Zone and the school. Jin Xin, deputy director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, Zhao Shumin, director of the Community Education Office of the Education and Sports Bureau of Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, and Wang Zhixi, deputy dean of the school, attended the event.

In the same month, the Provincial Department of Education issued the "Notice on the announcement of the results of the "Be a good guide, let's move towards the future together" teacher ethics theme education essay and the selection of outstanding cases of teachers' ethics and ethics" and "On the announcement of the "Twenty Masters" of Henan Province's universities and colleges Announcement of the evaluation results of the collection and display of typical cases of teachers' ideological and political education "Building Moral Dreams and Educating Newcomers". In the "Be a good guide, let's move towards the future together" essay competition on the theme of teachers' ethics and excellent cases of teachers' ethics and ethics, "My Life Mentor – A Person Who Gives Without Regrets" by Ma Jinshuo and Li Yanling from the School of Pharmacy was selected for the essay. The first prize was won by Wang Lingling from the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, "Teaching by Words and Deeds, Be a Guide", Sun Mengmeng from the School of Marxism, "Establishing Noble Teacher Morality and Establishing a New Trend in Education" won the second prize, and "The Guide" by Ji Chaoyue from the School of Intelligent Medical Engineering won the second prize. Won the third prize in the essay competition; in the selection of typical cases of teachers' ideological and political education in "Welcoming 20 Masters of Morality to Build Dreams and Educate New Talents", "The Ideological and Political Taste of Doing "Fresh" Medical Classes" by Wang Lingling from the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the school won the The first prize for typical cases of ideological and political education. Wang Guiqin and Liu Wei of the School of Marxism won the second prize for "Adhere to the Ideological and Political Education Position to Protect the Healthy Growth of Students" by Wang Guiqin and Liu Wei of the School of Marxism. The second prize for the typical cases of ideological and political education was won by Liu Yanan of the Clinical School. Won the third prize for typical cases of ideological and political education.

In the same month, the school won 16 awards in the higher education group at the 26th Education and Teaching Information Exchange Activity in the province. "First Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" by Wang Xin, a teacher at the School of Intelligent Medical Engineering, "HPV Vaccine, Protecting Students with the Epidemic" by Ning Jie, a teacher at the School of Nursing, "Japanese Tones" by Feng Yunjiao, a teacher at the School of Foreign Languages, and "Japanese Tones" by Cheng Wei, a teacher at the Education Technology Center "3ds Max Interface Introduction" won the first prize; 9 works including "Cell Micro Classroom – Cytoskeleton" by Wang Ke, a teacher from the School of Life Science and Technology, won the third prize in the micro class group; Ma Sujuan, Liu Kai and Yue Wenhan's work "Labor Quenching" "Growth, Practice Creates Happiness" won the second prize in the Outstanding Educational Television Program Group; "Hot Youth" by Shi Xia and Wang Caiyun and "Dislocated Time and Space" by Chen Yuanyuan and Yue Wenhan won the third prize in the Outstanding Educational Television Program Group.

On October 15, Chen Jianhong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Pingyuan Demonstration Zone in Xinxiang City, and Yue Yongpeng, Director of the Management Committee, visited the school to inspect and guide the epidemic prevention and control work. Dean Hu Shikun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Zhang Gang, Vice Dean Gu Huan and heads of relevant functional departments accompanied him.

In the same month, the results of the competition of the 18th Henan University College Students Science, Technology, Culture and Art Festival were announced. The school won a total of 29 honors, including the calligraphy work "Living Up to the People", the campus essay writing work "Please Hold My Hand", and the fitness hip-hop The category work "SWAG" won the first prize.

On October 20, Yu Yan, deputy secretary of the Xinxiang Municipal Party Committee, Wang Zhanbo, member of the Standing Committee of the Xinxiang Municipal Party Committee, director of the United Front Work Department and deputy mayor, and Li Xiuguo, director of the Xinxiang Municipal Education Bureau, visited me for investigation and guidance. Jin Xinfeng, Vice President of Xinxiang Medical College, Zhang Gang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, Ma Bo, Vice President, and the person in charge of the General Office of Xinxiang Campus accompanied him.

On November 25, students majoring in medical laboratory technology of the school won the first prize for individuals and groups in the fourth "Meikang Cup" medical laboratory skills competition for college students in six provinces and ten schools! Among them, Gao Jianhua won the first prize as an individual in the intern group, and Gao Jianhua, Li Chenlu, Yan Yingjia and Shao Huyue won the first prize as a team.

On November 30, the school held a selection and reporting meeting for the “Top Ten” counselors in 2022. Lu Sha, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Gu Huan, Vice President, and all counselors attended. Relevant functional departments and heads of academies serve as judges.

In the same month, under the guidance of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the All-China Federation of Students, and jointly organized by China Youth Daily, New Oriental Education Technology Group, and China Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Foundation, the 2021 "China College Student Self-improvement Star" scholarship promotion event came to an end. Shen Xin, a student of the school, won the 2021 "Star of Self-improvement of Chinese College Students" scholarship.

On December 5, the Henan Provincial Department of Education announced the list of proposed projects for the reform of the model academies of higher education institutions in Henan Province. The school's Renzhi Academy and Chixing Academy projects were approved.

On December 15, the 4th Primary Health Talent Ability Improvement Training and Hengrui Lung Cancer Young and Middle-aged Master Class was held, sponsored by the Henan Primary Health Talent Medical Education Collaborative Development Alliance and jointly organized by the school and Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

From December 21st to 22nd, the finals of the 3Shape National Digital Oral Design Competition, hosted by 3Shape and co-organized by the Restorative Technology Committee of the Shanghai Dental Association and the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, came to a successful conclusion. Shi Jiayi, majoring in dental medicine technology at the school, won the first prize in the student group, Wang Mengdan won the second prize in the student group, and Huang Yan, Kang Jian, Qi Xinxin, and Wang Yunxiao won the excellence award.

In the same month, the Henan Provincial Department of Education issued the "Announcement on the List of Proposed Construction Lists of Henan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Colleges and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Practice Bases in 2022", and the school was selected as a provincial-level innovation and entrepreneurship education practice base.

In the same month, the Henan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the Department of Education, and the Department of Human Resources and Social Security jointly issued the "Notice on Naming the First Batch of Provincial Elderly Care Service Talent Training Bases and Practical Training Bases", and the school was approved as a provincial elderly care service talent training base.


作者: chanong



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